Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Letter to the Republican Candidates

To whom it may concern (pretty much talking to you Newt and Mitt):

First off, I know its not just Republicans who discriminate against the gays, but I'm going to pick on them because they have been put in the spotlight recently due to their desperate attempts to become president.

I'll start with you, Newt. I get it. You are a social conservative. And thats totally fine. To each their own. I personally chose not to discriminate but if that is your thing, whatever. But here is the thing, for the love of God PLEASE stop talking about the sanctity of marriage being in jeopardy if the gays can get married. I mean, really? The divorce rate is around 50% for heterosexual couples.  And you sir, have had two of them already because, quite frankly, you couldn't keep it in your pants. A little hypocritical don't ya think? I'm all for everyone having their own opinions and I know not everyone is for gay marriage ( I still don't really understand why not, if you don't like gay marriage, don't get one...) but I really think it would be privy of you to shut up about it.  Every time I hear you talk about how we must defend marriage I want to slam my head against a wall. Its like a dentist telling you to floss when they themselves have terrible teeth. Why would I listen to someone who obviously isn't practicing what they are saying they believe?

Now you, Mitt, you really pissed me off today. Not that I would vote for you, but you at least had me listening. I'm pretty open to all sorts of political ideas and for the most part you seem to know what you are talking about. When you stood up in NH and said you don't discriminate against homosexuals I almost kind of believed you, even though I know you don't support gay marriage. Then I find out today you donated a good amount of money to an organization, which believes homosexuality can be cured. And they children should be protected from all things gay. And that transgendered people do not deserve equal rights. C'monnnnnn Mitt! I know you are not a dumb man (verdict is still out on Newt...) so how can you possibly stand in front off all of us and say you don't discriminate and then go home and write out a check supporting a group which discriminates?! I'm sure you see the connection here. You are allowed to do with what you want in your personal life and are entitled to your own opinions, but DO NOT lie to the gay community and tell us we are safe in your hands. That you will not discriminate against us. Because you already have. At least Newt is honest.

I know I will not be changing any views here today. I doubt you will even ever see this. But on the off chance you do I want you both to understand a few things. Most importantly, the gay community is NOT comprised of second class citizens. We deserve equal rights just as much as any one else. We are NOT a threat to marriage or anything else for that matter. We are only asking for what we see our heterosexual friends and family already have (and didn't have to ask for).

I understand you have your own views, and while I would love to change them I know I can't. All I am asking is really think about what you are saying. Think about all the gay youth out there being bullied and about how much your actions and words hurt them. Do not lie to us. Do not tell us you won't discriminate. Do not threaten my rights. Do not tell us being gay is a choice.

Maybe you both should walk a day in our shoes and then talk to us about discrimination.

All my gay love,

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