Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Let's try this again...

So it’s been a while. Sorry about that. I’m not going to make excuses for my lack of blogging. Its just I became really busy. And there was the move. Oh, and I started grad school. And I had to go to PT. And my cat had a cold. And there were Netflix documentaries to watch. And I was working a lot. But like I said, I’m not going to make excuses.

I’ve been reading a few other blogs lately and I realized mine is lame. All these kids have these crazy blogs with pictures or other media clips. My adult friends read these thought provoking blogs with intense meanings and heart wrenching stories. I have a blog about…well…I’m not entirely sure.

This all started because Boo Bear said I was funny. Maybe that’s my problem. I received what was probably an off-hand compliment not really intended to have much meaning behind it (like when you tell someone you like their ugly shirt) and instead of just letting in roll of me I let that comment go right up to my head. All of a sudden I was sure I was the funniest person ever and obviously it was my duty as a new comedian to share my hysterical jokes with everyone in the world wide web. 

This worked for me for a while. I did have some funny things to say. But then I would get drunk and post about the humdrum life of a poor, single, fat queer in Noho. Then I was trying to hard to be funny. Maybe I did become too busy when I moved, started grad school, and had to go to PT, and so on. Or maybe I became caught in a negative whirlwind of emotions and lost my ability to see the lighter side of life.

I can try to lie and tell you it was my busy lifestyle preventing me from writing. But I have never been a good liar. You try growing up Irish Catholic where guilt is served as a side dish to every meal and you’ll feel bad about lies too. So, to be honest my dear reader(s), I stopped writing because I stopped seeing the humor in the simple happenings of day-to-day life. But then something happened. I moved into a wonderful new house where I am spoiled with hysterical roommates and a breath taking view. I started grad school (in occupational therapy) and I found myself at home in academia for the first time in a long time. I went through months of PT and my shoulder finally began to heal and became less painful. I have watched endless documentaries, which have opened my eyes to new ideas and helped me laugh at old trends. And then I realized all these “excuses” for not writing my blog were in fact setting me up to undergo a quarter life transformation.

Well, I’m back. I’m now 25, still poor, still single, and still gay. The only thing I can promise you over the course of the year is only the latter will stay consistent. I have no idea what my posts will be about. I’m sure they will all be around social issues some with a comedic twist and others on a more serious note.  

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