There is a new show on the Sundance Channel entitled, "Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys." I only watched one episode before I quit.
For one thing, I hated almost all the characters. But more than that I was hoping for at least one relationship of a gay woman and a gay man. However, that's just not the case. It is all about the special relationship that STRAIGHT women have with gay men. I mean, I get it, who doesn't love a good gay man in their lives....oh wait, most of the lesbian population.
Maybe "most" is an exaggeration but generally lesbians find gay men bitchy and too over the top. And I'm sure gay men find lesbians too butchy and blunt. Gay men are repulsed by vaginas, never mind two of them...touching. Lesbians just hate all men.
Well good thing I am not a lesbian, because I love gay men. In fact most people would say I am a gay man, that just sleeps, well used to sleep, when I wasn't unintentionally celibate, with women. Except for my work boots and desire for a cat and Subaru I have no real lesbian qualities. Stereotypically, I possess the qualities of a gay man. I prefer Bravo to ESPN, musicals to strip shows, and dancing to fighting. Now I know not all gays fulfill stereotypes and blah blah blah but this is the world through my eyes so relax.
I digress. Gay men and lesbians do not usually have strong connections. And maybe that is why Sundance did not cast a lesbian and gay man relationship. But they should have talked to me first. You see, I would have told them about this fabulous relationship I have with Boo Bear. And Boo Bear and I would have been perfect because we have always lived our lives as if cameras were following us and imagined our lives to be one big production for Logo.
Boo Bear and I met in Spain in fall of 2007. I thought he was bitchy and fabulous, he thought I was incapable of dressing myself and hysterical. We were both right. As paraded through the streets of Spain with our friends (we called ourselves Los Gays) we realized that we were destined to be best friends. Our friendship continued when we came home and our senior year we lived together with The German and Pat. That year deserves a whole book to screen play to movie deal and not just a few lines in a little blog. Just know that it was amazing and quite possibly the best year of my life.
Boo Bear and I are complete opposites and bring to each others lives what the other lacks. He is the more organized, serious, smarter one with zero street smarts. I am the more impromptu, ridiculous, comedian that could never balance a check book. I text him from fancy restaurants asking what to order or what kind of wine I like. He texts me when he gets himself into some ridiculous situation and he needs to relax and laugh about it. We both text each other before we purchase any pair of shoes.
But its more than what is on the surface. We understand each other in way no one else does. We do not have to talk every day to know the other one would be there in an instant if needed. We know how to push each others buttons just enough to keep each other in check. We can be brutally honest with each other because we know its all with good intentions. To take a line from Grey's, he is my person.
So, Sundance Channel, or Logo, if you want a good show, give me a call. Until then Boo Bear and I will keep on living lives like we are in the spotlight.